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We would like to thank all those who visited us at Intermob 2023 and thank you for attending.
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Thank you for visiting our booth at Interzum Cologne 2023. We appreciate your presence and interest in our products.
We took action for a sustainable world. By preventing 2,759,000 kg of CO2 emissions annually, we meet 100% of our production with the renewable SPP we have installed on our roof.
Thank you to all who visited us in Intermob 2022. We hope your experience was excellent, and we can’t wait to see you again soon.
At the panel and award ceremony held in Kayseri hosted by the Mediterranean Furniture, Paper and Forestry Products Exporters' Association (AKAMIB), our company, which has been exporting since 2004, was awarded with the 7th place in Kayseri and 11th in
Ticaret Bakan Yardımcısı Sn. Rıza Tuna Turagay, TİM Başkanı Sn. İsmail Gülle ve beraberindeki heyet, AKAMİB Ödül Töreni öncesinde Kayseri’de, firmamıza ziyarette bulunmuşlardır. Arkopa Ahşap Panel ailesi olarak misafirlerimizi ağırlamaktan onur duyduk.
Refik Onur Kılıçer Kılıçer, who thanked AKAMİB members for their outstanding efforts, noted that there are great opportunities in the 53 billion dollar imported furniture market of the USA due to the sanctions against China in the coming period, and